Sep 2, 2011

Fireproof: Movie Review

Posted by rona at 8:31:00 PM

I am so amazed and blessed with this movie and i could not just turn my mind off for hours from the scenes that deeply touched me after i watched it. God really can bless and talk to His children in every way. This movie has successfully became His instrument that it could reach people in the whole world. I admire the director and producer of this movie, who was the main cast of "facing the giants" for doing another work that will really inspire and will transform lives of a lot of people who are gonna be watching. I have also seen the "behind-the-scenes" and it just made me even more blessed for seeing that the movie was made from the efforts of volunteers from the Christian churches in the US - from the director, producer, to the camera men, casts, and make-up artists, and many more just to make this movie possible. And the first thing that they did every day before they would start filming is to pray.

I am encouraging everybody to watch this. It talks about working out broken marriage and how God changed the couple's lives together. You will definitely gonna love it and will be amazed of God's grace and power. It's two-way-thumbs- up!

3 Reviewers Commented:

  1. Ummm.... Now I have to go get the movie!

  2. oh yes! one of those not so contemporary movies yet should be watched by everyone. very inspiring, uplifting, tear-jerker and nakakakilig. I believe God is glorified thru this movie. very Heartifying!


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